Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hariz Sport Day

Location    : Padang USM Kubang Kerian
Date          : 24 April 2012

 Another Sport Day for hariz. This is the second time and this time it was organised by Tadika Oasis. What i like about my son's Sport Day is not the weather, of course. Not the prize that he would get but this is the time for me to cheer for my son and thinking about how fast time flies!! He used to be a baby, then toddler, now a children and later on a teenager and a man...
However fyi on that sport day, we had fun!
Ini dia penyokong tegar Abang Ayih!

Pembawa banner Rumah Yellow. Go Yellow Go!

Penyokong tegar sedang berehat bersama abang kesayangan.

 The end of the day, Hariz won a first place for the event which i did not know what's the name of the game?? Congrats! tak sia-sia papa, mama, Syahmi n baby dalam perut bagi sokongan hari tu..
Berakhirlah sudah latihan cheer Hariz di rumah. Kalau x hari2 dok dengar hariz dok rehearse
"Yellow the best, Yellow the best, Goooooooooo Yellow!"

My Girl

                                                    Introducing our new family member...


                                           Makna Nama : Perhitungan yang berseri-seri
                                           Tarikh Lahir    : 7 Mei 2012

After 7 years of marriage, we have a new baby and it's a girl. Alhamdullilah syukur Adriana menjadi pelengkap hidup kami sekeluarga yang sederhana. Siapa yang paling excited dengan kehadiran baby girl kali ni? Semua ingat mama kan...sebab mama dah ada member baru almaklumlah after all this while, I have all boys in the house. Yup! I do excited about Adriana in fact I am over excited but the truth is ada sorang budak yg betul2 happy ada adik baru. Check out the pics below as the proof...

Abang Syahmi tido pun sebelah Adriana ye...

Adriana pelik sape yg dok sebelah dia ni agaknya..baru nak kenal2kan

dalam sehari ada dekat 20 kali dok kiss adik dia : )

Syahmi lagi...

Ada jugak terselit ye...
  Adriana dan abang2nya; Hariz dan Syahmi.