Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jamuan Raya

Alhamdulillah...rezeki di bulan Syawal. Jamuan Hari Raya untuk semua kelas berjalan lancar dalam keadaan yg sederhana tetapi penuh dengan hidangan dan kuih muih. Thank you for all the dessert and dishes.

with the boys in red (2 Amanah) tq for the pizza!
With Betalians and Nazirah. Tq for The Secret Recipe.

With Deltalians and Fazrina. Tq for ur Roti Jala n Kuzi

To all of you that i did not mentioned here, thank you so much for the feast. It was great!

1 comment:

  1. xoyak dh ko sy deh ado blog....tkpo2 stakat ni la kito sain.....hu3 kudos tu tc ntt!well done...jom la jd pengbloger yg berjaya di dunia siber masing2...hu3...doa sy etek spm ni wok!
