Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Ahmad Syahmi Umair!

22 February 2010

Kelmarin genap umur Syahmi setahun.Alhamdullillah...kejap je rasa pejam celik dah setahun. Pejam celik lagi dah nak masuk sekolah, pejam celik lagi dah nak kawin pastu harap-harapnya bila pejam terus tu sempat melalui fasa ibu dari anak kecil hingga dewasa. Mama dan papa doakan Syahmi akan sentiasa dilindungi Allah swt dan mendapat berkat hidup dunia dan akhirat. abang yang over excited!

Syahmi and Hariz hanya gap 2 hari je to celebrate the birthday. We decided to organise it separately just to give the chance for Hariz to celebrate the DAY with his classmates. So for Syahmi, it's only for family and just a simple celebration. Mcdonalds, Spiderman cake and a present for him. It was simple but really meningful to me.

Kesian la pulak, birthday boy dok makan french fries je...mama tolong Syahmi makan ye..

Birthday boy n the birthday present. Can u figure it out which part on him is the present?

As usual, tido x sempat abis celebrate. Hepi birthday sayang mama...muah!

They are all my heroes in blue!

It was simple but i'm satisfied. next time insyaalah we'll celebrate it with more people and lots of delicacies. But for the time being, the memory is valuable and cherished!

Coming soon-Hariz's birthday

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