Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Reading!

"Sometimes its nice to think about the simple, lovely things. An elderly chinese woman had two large pots each hung on the end of a pole, which she carried accross her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water.

Of course the perfect pot was proud of its own accomplishments but the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection and miserable, that it could only do half of that it had been made to. After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.

"I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."

The old woman smiled. "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side on the path, but not on the other pot's side? That is because i have always known about your flaw, so i planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and everyday while we were back, you water them. For two years i have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without u being just the way u are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."

she continued: "Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and the flaws we all have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each peson for what they are and look for the good in them."

So, to all my crackpot friends, please forgive me for all mistakes i've done so far and have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jamuan Raya

Alhamdulillah...rezeki di bulan Syawal. Jamuan Hari Raya untuk semua kelas berjalan lancar dalam keadaan yg sederhana tetapi penuh dengan hidangan dan kuih muih. Thank you for all the dessert and dishes.

with the boys in red (2 Amanah) tq for the pizza!
With Betalians and Nazirah. Tq for The Secret Recipe.

With Deltalians and Fazrina. Tq for ur Roti Jala n Kuzi

To all of you that i did not mentioned here, thank you so much for the feast. It was great!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kronologi Sambutan Syawal 1430

'Orang Baru' yang menyambut syawal bersama kami tahun ini. To Syahmi, mama, papa n Hariz welcome you with love and passion...

Hariz di KBMC, high fever...kesian anak mama. 4 days before raya.Nasib baik x raya kat wad...alhamdulillah

Malam Raya...pulun main bunga api. Tp bunga api kecil2lan je la..but it was a very havoc nite. fire crackers were everywhere, sounded like at the war..
Konfem dah sihat ni...

Hari Raya pertama.posing ngan bj raya. All my heroes wore the same colour of baju melayu..

Hariz n Syahmi.Sian Syahmi, kopiah recycle abg Hariz punyer je..nasib baik bj melayu tu x recycle gak.

Raya ketiga. Semoga setiap raya yang mendatang diberkati Allah swt dan dapat diraikan dengan sederhana dan penuh kesyukuran. Amin...

-The End-

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ramadhan Bulan Kemuliaan

Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang penuh keberkatan dan kemuliaan. Sempena dengan bulan yang mulia ini adalah lebih baik kita melakukan perkara yang baik dan menghindarkan perkara yang buruk. Oleh sebab itu, aku hamba yang hina ini mengambil peluang mengerjakan segala yang mulia dan ianya dimulakan dengan perbuatan memaafkan...walau pun sukar dan hati terluka, tetapi adalah lebih baik aku mengambil berkat bulan Ramadhan ini untuk setapak melangkah menjadi hamba yang disayangi Allah swt dengan memaafkan dan bermuhasabah akan kekurangan diri... sesungguhnya yang baik itu datang dari Allah dan yang buruk itu dari hambanya.

Buat semua yang disayangi dan teman-teman yang dikasihi, tegurlah kekurangan diri ini kerana sebagai manusia kekadang kita alpa

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This Saturday we're going to photoshoot session kat bonsaiphoto (whiteroom) best, tak sabar nak gi. Best ke bergambar? takla best sgt tp the difference is this time we'll do it profesionally. nak family album tp tak nak la yg cam amik gambar formal kat studio time raya tu...this time, biar spontaneous n d very important thing is all my favourite heroes are with me! mesti comel gambar Syahmi n Hariz. Papa n mamanya takyah citerla mmg comel2 pun..hehe..

(ni try2 sendiri nak amik gambar nostalgia skit)
To Hariz, jgn lupa senyum tau, you'll look adorable. To Syahmi, jgn meragam ye..pose senyum byk2..To papa, jgn simpan2 gaya ye, kasi abis ari tu..
Tak sabar nak tgk hasil gambar.Tp gambar x amik lagi..camne tu?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Anak-Anak Mama

Dear my beloved heroes,
One day, definitely u will ask me what are the meanings of ur names. Don't worry my dear, after several books, cut n paste, mix n match, discussions n rejections...finally we managed to come up with names that really have good meanings. Insayaallah, it will be a 'doa' for u n will be bless by it...
Ahmad Hariz Izzuddin = Yg terpuji, pembela kemuliaan agama
Ahmad Syahmi Umair = Yg terpuji, kebijaksanaan, kegagahan yang maju ke hadapan

Untuk Hariz dan Syahmi,

nama-nama ini mama dan papa doakan supaya ianya sesuai dan menjadi kenyataan berkat izin Allah swt...insyaallah

Sayang anak-anak mama...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wedding Ring

It is a normal feeling for any women to love jewelleries. So man, it is easy for you guys to find gifts and 'reward' for your love ones. Anyway, materials are nothing compared to love and concern gestures.Woman is easy to please..just make sure you take care of their hearts and they'll be yours. Surprisingly..though this tips is not a secret anymore, it is still impossible for some men to be able to do it..as Imran Ijmain(not sure how to spell his name..hu..hu) song stated

'yang tulus ikhlas ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas,

cukup dengan salam dan manis doa..'

Actually, pic above is nothing to do with me. It is actually a wedding ring for my future sister-in-law. Their 'akad nikah' will be tomorrow. By looking at this ring it reminds me of my event not too long ago (it's only 4 yrs) We still learn and get to know each other in our marriage. 4 yrs and many things still in adjustment by compromising each other needs. With 2 sons, the experience n knowledge of living as a family is still like as a tip of iceberg. I believe that we do try our best to do improvisation of trial n error as parents as one of the dialogues in a movie said " ...there are no perfect parents but we'll try to be the best parents."It is still long road to go, many things will happen, lots of obstacles and challenges n i just pray to Allah to give us strength and to lead us the better way for the best to me, to my husband and to my sons.

To my brother, congrats coz you have the opportunity to love and to be loved. Only those who are lucky will have this special feeling. And good luck to you to coz marriage comes with responsible especially for man.

'Selamat Pengantin Baru..Semoga kekal abadi..Bahgia ke anak cucu...Semoga murah rezeki-my favourite 'lagu kawin' he..he..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Trip to the Zoo!

Yesterday was so fun. Hariz was the one who had the most enjoyable time among us. Maklumlah tempat yg kitorang pergi ni pun mmg sesuai utk dia-Zoo Kuala Krai. We didn't expect too much from the trip and it turned out not too bad..adalah monyet yg excited we visited him, unta yg tak gerak2, burung kasawari yg termenung kat tepi pagar, kucing hutan yg lonely (no partner, kesian dia..), kura-kura yg penyegan n many kinds of birds. My son was so excited with all these animals siap hai2, bye2 each one of them.Mcm member2 plak.. any way thanks to my husband for the quality times that we shared together. It was so sweet..next year kita gi jauh2 skit, Singapore pun alrite..

Hariz Porter (Harry Porter n his pet!)

3 precious person in my life!
Harap2 akan datang Kelantan ada byk tourist spots untuk rakyat-rakyatnya..takkanlah asyik nak gi KB Mall je..Zoo ni pun rasa dah tak tingin pun nak lawat lg..
p/s: cari buaya nak tgk tp takde, makcik yg jg zoo ni ckp permohonan nak bela buaya x lulus sbb takde zookeeper lelaki. Almaklumlah, lelaki kan sinonim ngan buaya-buaya darat!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


excited to start my blog..dah start cuti ni bolehla start new hobby, blogging. harap-harapnya lama dpt bertahan. dengan kehadiran ahli baru dlm family, (alhamdulillah..) tuntutan keja,(marking exam paper x siap lg) tanggungjawab kat umah, (ari ni nak masak apa la ni..dah abis idea) rasa-rasanya blog ni klau dpt di update seminggu sekali pun dah kira bertuah. anyway kerna rasa nak ada satu kenangan dan memori yang boleh disharekan dengan anak2 in future, kuteruskan jua utk berblog ni. dah lama asyik dan ralit membaca ntry kawan2 dan bukan kawan2 punyer blog ni yang menyebabkan terdetik dan termeluwap (ada ke word ni?) di hati untuk berblogging..lps ni adala yg naik menyampah asyik kena jadi kaunter pertanyaan psl blog ni, maklumla budak baru belajar..byk benda nak explore n discover ni.
  • untuk yg memberi inspirasi dan motivasi indirectlty to me by reading your attractive, colourful, touching..sob..sob, and enjoyable blog, thank you so much!
  • untuk suamiku yg tersayang..lps ni jgn terkejut if i berebut laptop ngan anakanda
  • untuk anakandas, mama tetap sayangkan u all walau pun mata dan jari jemariku ralit di laptop ini
  • dan untuk didri sendiri, jgn hangat2 tahi ayam ye..remind urself that this blog will be so precious to share with ur sons in d future.

good start for a new day. congrats to myself..he..he